ESSO - Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services

(An Autonomous Body under the Ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt. of India)

Regional ARGO Data Centers

Activities that are envisioned for regional data centres include:
  • Determining the internal consistency of the Argo dataset by comparing Argo data from different sources in the region and through comparison with ongoing hydro graphic cruises. A mechanism for feedback to PIs will be essential.

  • Comparing Argo data with model output and with assimilated fields. Understanding why specific data are rejected by assimilations (model inconsistencies, systematic data errors ).
  • Preparing and distributing Argo data products and services.
  • Providing scientific QC as a service to national programs without such capabilities.
  • Coordinating Argo float deployment plans for the region. Providing advice/guidance on regional deployment needs.
  • Developing new real-time quality control tests if appropriate for the particular region.
  • Assembling best available recent CTD/hydrographic data for real-time and delayed mode calibration purposes.
  • Regional data Centres may be contributed by a single national data centre or may result from collaborations among two or more groups. Collaborative efforts might target different sub-regions or contribute different areas of expertise. Argo national programs interested in forming or participating in regional data centres include the following.

  • Atlantic Ocean - France (IFREMER/Coriolis), U.S.A. (AOML)
  • Pacific Ocean - Japan (JAMSTEC), U.S.A. (PMEL), U.S.A.(IPRC)
  • Southern Ocean - U.K.(SOC/BODC),Australia (CSIRO/BOM)
  • Indian Ocean - India (INCOIS), Australia (CSIRO/BOM), U.S.A.(PMEL), U.S.A. (IPRC)